Sunday, January 27, 2008

The maid's day off......

Its the maid's day off and the blog's not quite where I want it to be.
The blog layout is going to be continually shifting until I find a layout that I like. But we're going to invite guests to take a look.

Feel free to look and read. Please, please, please post your comments. You know that I'd have something to say....

So forgive the mess and mind the furniture on the floor.



Skirtz said...

Hey Pat... Found your blog through your update on facebook. Dude - I knew you had looked good in the pictures, but I didn't realize how far you've come! Keep up the blog - voyeurs like me love to see how things progress.

Also, I might steal you for some inspiration - I could stand to drop(mumble mumble)pounds myself, and get my resting heart rate down to something below 100...
- Lisa Olmo Schulz