Sunday, February 24, 2008

Something was puzzling me about this weeks workouts. Each one seemed to fly rather quickly. It didn't feel like an hour even though I know that we had worked for an hour. As much as we have "fun" during the hour, Sarita keeps me in line and we don't seem to stand around taking breaks as long as I see other trainers and clients (at least, I think we don't).

I think that I'm working hard. The amount of sweat soaking through my shirt seems to indicate I'm working hard. The soreness in my legs and arms make me feel like I'm working hard. The heaving of my lungs and my heart rate monitor also indicate to me that I'm working hard. Yet, it seems that the time is screaming by too quickly.

At the last workout, another gym member had said to us that he couldn't do the workout that we were doing. I found that difficult to believe and I told him that. And from what I could tell, he looked built and more fit than I did.

Sarita then said something to the effect of "Maybe its because you're in the best shape than you have ever been?"

I thought about that this weekend and came up with a short list of physical things that I could do now that I know I couldn't do before I started training:

  • walk uphill at 14 degrees for 25 minutes
  • jog on a treadmill at about 6 miles and hour for about 5 minutes a time
  • climb on a rotating stair for 20 minutes
  • come close to maxing out the angle and resistance on an Arctrainer
  • bike 25 miles on the West side Green Path on Saturdays when its warm
  • carry 65 pounds in a farmers walk
  • plain old fashioned push ups
  • run up 3 flights of without breathing like a fish out of water
  • do an hour on the eliptical machine
  • split squats
  • 1-2 punches with a 4 kick combo
  • hold a plank for a minute
  • plank reverse rows

And that doesn't include all the weight stuff that we're doing, such as bench presses, lat rows, squats, dead-lifts, bicep curls, etc.

Nor does that include the physical stuff like pant and shirt size changes or seeing my Adam's apple, seeing my pectoral muscles, etc.

I guess that I am in great shape, or at the very least, definitely in great shape for me. I guess that I want to be able to do even more.

Is there something wrong with me? what! I'm off to bed to rest up for more beatings. ha ha.


michaelito73 said...
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michaelito73 said...

Pat, when you get to your goal, please let me do a photo session with you. I would love to document your accomplishment.


Skirtz said...
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Skirtz said...

I was trying to find a reason NOT to get on the treadmill today. Then I read your blog, and I have no choice - back to the treadmill I go.

Thanks :)
Lisa S.